la nana
Urban laboratory for engaged art

La Nana, Urban Laboratory of Committed Art , is located in a building that belongs to the industrial heritage of the early s. XX in Colonia Guerrero. Coordinated by the ConArte organization, it is a meeting space open to artistic and pedagogical experimentation, where school and community converge. It hosts an exhibition program, workshops open to all kinds of audiences, teacher training, community meetings and cultural events.

Los objetivos de la La Nana son fortalecer la convivencia a través de las artes, defender el ejercicio de los derechos culturales e impulsar las alianzas y el trabajo en red.

The workshops that we offer in La Nana are designed for boys, girls, youth and adults who are interested in learning an artistic discipline and who do not necessarily have knowledge in this field.
With the collaboration of professional artists, we hold courses that allow the public to get closer to various disciplines such as dance in different aspects (contemporary, hall, folkloric and urban), music (performance of different instruments and choral singing), plastic arts and visuals, crafts and crafts.
The duration of our courses is quarterly and the classes have been organized in such a way that they allow students to combine the workshops with their daily activities and optimize their free time.
At the end of each workshop we carry out an activity in which the participants make a sample of what they have learned dedicated to friends, family and the community, so that they become familiar with the artistic process and live as creators.
The objective of the La Nana exhibition program is to show the production of contemporary artists who work and reflect on latent social problems, as well as generating spaces for meeting, dialogue and coexistence.
It is a curatorial project that makes the different languages of contemporary art available to communities (historically excluded) to generate training, the discovery of personal skills and new forms of neighborhood coexistence aware of diversity and respect for others.
project supported by pac-lifewtr
La Nana has an important collection of books in both Spanish and native languages, as well as other languages, which are available to the community. Books come and go on the street, at the 2 de Abril Market, in schools and in the neighborhoods.
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We have a permanent book barter program called “Libros para volar”, which consists of leaving one book and taking another.
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The Reading Room invites to coexistence, to a friendly chat, to have a fun time with friends, to exchange our opinions and experiences. To be relaxed and talk about books. It is a space that invites to share.

Ehya Disonante
The La Nana cinema club projects films with social themes, of inclusion and diversity.
With a program for all ages, the cinema club is a space for intergenerational debate.