The Singing for Coexistence program is based on a methodology developed by ConArte to promote the contemporary appreciation of Mexican popular music in the classroom and to support the musical training of teachers, through singing classes, based on a repertoire and didactic material, in which girls and boys, adolescents or adults recover their voices and share them to create a group of collective singing, where they not only recover the musical memory, but also channel emotions, feelings and generate new forms of coexistence and respect. The supporting material consists of compact discs, lyrics for each song with the score for their arrangement, a glossary and an author index. It also provides a context for each piece and some didactic ideas and exercises so that teachers can start the program in the classroom and in their communities.
Ah what a song! Mexican music at school is a simple method, but elaborated with quality. It is designed so that teachers can apply it in the classroom. The method is conceived from girls and boys, considering their teacher as a mediator of musical learning, for which they are equipped with theoretical tools, didactics, methodologies and above all, the desire and passion to make children sing in an inclusive and participatory scheme.